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Auricular Medicine Seminars Auricular Therapy seminar series includes eight different seminars, covering from the fundamentals to advanced features of Auricular Medicine. Each seminar requires two to three days to accomplish.
Each seminar is composed of PowerPoint presentation, hands-on demonstration, and discussion.
PowerPoint Presentation: To cover the important knowledge of this respective topic. Dr. William Huang and Dr. Lichun Huang will explain them to you in great details.
Hands-on Demonstration: To teach you the techniques and manipulation methods of Auricular Medicine.
Discussion: Is an interactive process for students to get further understanding of the subject matter during the seminar. Here are the short descriptions of the 8 seminars (For more detailed description please click on the icon/picture adjacent to each seminar):
Seminar I: Introduction to Auricular Medicine
This Seminar provides a thorough introduction to Auricular medicine - History of Auricular Medicine - Differences between Auricular Medicine and other therapies - Fundamentals of Auricular Diagnosis and Treatment methods - General applications of Auricular Medicine - Demonstrations of Skills
Seminar II: Auricular Points This seminar provides the basic knowledge of Auricular Points - Definition of Auricular Points - Distribution and location of Auricular Points - Classification of Auricular Points - Demonstrations of Skills
Seminar III: Functions of Auricular Points (Part I) Discusses the detailed knowledge of the most important auricular points - Specific Points: Points, Areas, Grooves, Axes, Channels, Triangles, Lines - Points of Nervous System - Points of Endocrine System - Demonstrations of Skills
Seminar IV: Functions of Auricular Points (Part II) Discusses the detailed knowledge of the most important auricular points - Corresponding Points - Points of Five Zang and Six Fu - Posterior Points - Other Points - Demonstrations of Skills
Seminar V: Auricular Diagnosis - Inspection Focuses on introducing the knowledge of Auricular Diagnosis -General concepts and its history - Auricular Diagnosis methods - Diseases to be diagnosed - Auricular Visual Diagnosis - Demonstrations of Skills
Seminar VI: Auricular Diagnosis - Palpation and Electrical Diagnosis Presents the remaining Auricular Diagnosis methods - Palpation - Auricular Electrical Diagnosis - Differentiation - Demonstrations of Skills
Seminar VII: Auricular Treatment This seminar introduces the basic concepts and methods of Auricular Treatment - Introduction - Methods of Auricular Treatment - Auricular Seed Therapy - Auricular Bleeding Therapy - Auricular Massage Therapy - Principles of Point Selection - Prescriptions of Auricular Treatment - Demonstrations of Skills
Seminar VIII: Auricular Treatment and Manipulations This seminar focuses on introducing the manipulation and treatment results - Relationship: -- between the Treatment Effect and the Auricular Point Selection -- between the Treatment Effect and the Stimulation -- between the Treatment Effect and Manipulation Methods - Principles of the Application of the Manipulation Methods - Selection of the Manipulation Methods - Auricular Treatment of Different Diseases